Maximizing TV Placement in Home Staging

Explore strategic TV placement in home staging to boost appeal and attract buyers effectively

Edgar Marroquion

12/4/20234 min leer

Maximizing TV Placement in Home Staging

When staging a home for sale, every detail matters. From arranging furniture to selecting decorations, staging a home aims to enhance its appeal while minimizing any flaws. The placement of the TV in staged living areas often sparks debate among homeowners and professionals alike.

When it comes to figuring out where to place the TV in a staged home, everyone seems to have a different opinion. Some argue it might detract from a room's overall appeal, while others believe it adds coziness and familiarity. Moreover, for potential homebuyers touring properties, the TV's placement becomes a point of consideration in envisioning their potential new home.

As a home stager in Albuquerque for over 15 years, we understand the significance of strategically placing TVs in a home for sale. In this blog, we'll explore the nuances of TV placement in staged homes.

TV in Home Staging: Aesthetic and Emotional Impact

The debate about incorporating TVs in staged homes often revolves around their impact on the room's overall aesthetic and the emotional connection they evoke. Some argue that the presence of a TV can disrupt the visual harmony of a room, drawing attention away from its other appealing features. Concerns arise about its size, placement, and how it fits within the room's decor.

On the flip side, many believe that a well-positioned TV can enhance the feeling of comfort and homeliness in a space. It can create a focal point for relaxation and socializing, contributing to a sense of coziness that resonates with potential buyers. The emotional connection stems from envisioning how they could unwind or spend quality time in that living space.

However, the decision to include or exclude a TV should also consider the demographics of potential buyers. Understanding the preferences and lifestyles of the target audience is crucial. For instance, younger demographics might value a well-integrated entertainment space, while older demographics might prefer a more minimalistic approach. Families usually have TVs, so they must know the best spot to place their TV in a home.

Vacant vs. Occupied Staging: TV Placement Strategies

In vacant home staging, thoughtful placement of TVs plays a crucial role. Consider positioning a TV in the family room, highlighting the potential entertainment area while keeping the living room as a formal sitting space without a TV. Avoid using TVs in the bedrooms, maintaining a focus on creating serene and purposeful spaces.

Additionally, a cost-saving tip to consider in vacant staging involves using a non-working TV. Appearance matters more than functionality in this case. Utilizing a visually appealing non-working TV in the main living area can showcase the room's potential entertainment space without the need for operational functionality, offering a cost-effective solution for staging.

In occupied homes, removing TVs from secondary rooms helps declutter and depersonalize the space. However, if a TV is regularly used in these areas, ensure its appearance is well-maintained and placed thoughtfully to maintain a cohesive atmosphere throughout the home.

Careful consideration of TV placement, whether in vacant or occupied scenarios, contributes to a well-staged home that resonates with potential buyers, facilitating a quicker and more enticing sale.

Tips to Seamlessly Blend a TV into a Room's Aesthetics

Effective tips to seamlessly blend a TV into a room's aesthetics include:

  • Wall Mounting: Consider wall-mounting the TV to free up floor space and create a sleek, modern look.

  • Concealment with Furniture: Use furniture like entertainment centers or cabinets to conceal the TV when not in use.

  • Artful Arrangement: Surround the TV with aesthetically pleasing decor, such as framed artworks or decorative items.

  • Cable Management: Keep cables and wires organized and hidden for a clean and clutter-free appearance.

  • Frame or Artwork: Consider adding a frame or decorative panel around the TV screen.

  • Matching the Room's Style: Select a TV that complements the room's decor style and color palette.

  • Strategic Placement of Lighting: Ensure lighting doesn't create glare on the TV screen.

  • Balance with Symmetry: Incorporate symmetrical elements around the TV to create a cohesive look in the room.

TVs as Focal Points and Considerations for Occupied Home Staging

In occupied home staging, strategically utilizing TVs as focal points can significantly impact a buyer's perception of the space. Placing a TV in the primary living area, such as the family room, establishes a central gathering point, showcasing the room's functionality for relaxation and entertainment.

However, the size of the TV in relation to the room is crucial. Opt for a TV size that complements the space without overpowering it. A disproportionately large TV might dominate the room, detracting from its overall aesthetic appeal.

Additionally, outdated and bulky TVs can diminish the room's visual appeal. Consider replacing older models with sleeker, more modern options. Eliminating these bulky TVs contributes to a more streamlined and contemporary presentation, aligning with current buyer preferences.

For rooms where TVs are retained, ensuring they look appealing and are well-placed is essential. Tidying cables and arranging furniture to complement the TV setup contribute to a harmonious and visually pleasing environment.

By considering the appropriate TV size and updating outdated models, you can optimize the appearance and placement of TVs in the occupied home staging process. This ensures a welcoming and visually appealing atmosphere that resonates with potential buyers' preferences, enabling them to envision comfortable living in the space.


Strategic TV placement significantly influences potential buyers' perceptions of a property's functionality and appeal. Careful consideration of these factors ensures that TVs not only serve as functional elements but also seamlessly contribute to the overall appeal and allure of a staged property. Properly integrating a TV into a staged room, considering its placement, size, aesthetics, and target buyers' preferences, enhances the space's visual harmony and elevates its appeal in the competitive real estate market.

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