Decoding Home Staging Costs: How Much Does It Cost to Stage a House?

Your Comprehensive Guide to Investment and Impact. Expert Insights, Real-Life Cases, and Strategies to Elevate Your Property's Appeal. Answers the question, How much does home staging cost?

Edgar Marroquin

8/10/202312 min read

woman in cluttered room with a thought bubble "How Much Does Home Staging Cost"
woman in cluttered room with a thought bubble "How Much Does Home Staging Cost"

How Much Does It Cost to Stage a House?

Selling your home is exciting, but one common concern for homeowners is the cost of home staging. This guide explores home staging expenses, helping you understand their significance in the selling process. Whether you're new to selling or experienced in real estate, we'll navigate through factors influencing costs and budgeting. We aim to provide insights enabling you to make informed decisions that affect your property's market time and final selling price. Join us as we uncover strategies to maximize impact while being cost-effective. Whether you're asking, "How much should we spend on staging?" or "What's the cost to stage a house?"—you'll gain insights to transform your home into an appealing space for potential buyers.

Factors Affecting Home Staging Costs:

Home staging costs hinge on several crucial factors shaping the total investment needed to transform your property into an enticing display for potential buyers. Understanding these factors allows for informed decisions about staging, repairs, and upgrades to present your home in the best possible manner.

Property Size and Layout:

The size and layout significantly influence staging expenses. Larger homes typically require more furnishings and decor to establish an appealing ambiance. Complex layouts may demand extra effort to optimize space usage and flow.

Current Condition and Age of the Home:

Considering your home's current state and age is vital. If repairs or updates are necessary, factoring these alongside staging costs is crucial. Older properties might benefit from staging and strategic upgrades to modernize and widen buyer appeal.

Location and Target Audience:

Your property's location and the preferences of your target market impact staging costs. Different areas have varying pricing dynamics for staging services and materials. Aligning staging choices with potential buyers' expectations can lead to a more cost-effective approach.

Staging Scope: Partial vs. Full:

The staging scope—partial or full—affects costs. Partial staging, focusing on key areas, can be budget-friendly. Full staging covers the entire property, providing a cohesive presentation that might command a premium.

Repairs and Upgrades:

Apart from staging, necessary repairs and upgrades are critical. Addressing minor fixes or considering significant upgrades like kitchen remodels enhances your home's appeal and value. Budgeting for these aspects provides a comprehensive investment overview.

Distinctive Features and Challenges:

Unique property aspects require specialized attention. Unusual architectural elements or challenging spaces may demand creative staging solutions, impacting staging and repair expenses.

Market Demand and Competition:

Local market competitiveness matters. In a competitive market, more extensive staging and repairs can set your property apart. In a slower market, a measured approach ensures a favorable return on investment.

Analyzing these factors helps craft a comprehensive strategy for staging, repairs, and upgrades within your property's context and budget. Next, we'll explore average staging costs, budget setting, and strategies for balancing investment and potential returns.

Average Home Staging Expenses:

To ensure a successful home sale, grasping the average home staging costs is essential. Staging combines strategic upgrades, repairs, and presentation to amplify your property's attractiveness to potential buyers. Let's delve into the different elements that factor into the average expenses of home staging:

  1. Consultation Fees: Starting on the right foot often involves seeking professional guidance. Home staging consultation fees typically range from $100 to $500. A skilled stager will assess your property, offer tailored recommendations, and help you devise a comprehensive plan aligned with your objectives.

  2. Repairs, Upgrades, and Cleaning: Before delving into the visual aspects of staging, consider the foundation – repairs, upgrades, and cleaning. Attend to minor repairs, fix leakages, and update fixtures to ensure your home is in impeccable condition. Allocate funds for deep cleaning services to make your property sparkle. These costs can vary widely but are essential for creating a positive impression and setting the stage for a successful sale.

  3. Furniture and Decor Rental: The heart of any staging endeavor involves renting furniture, decor, and accessories. Costs associated with furniture and decor rental span a range of $1,000 to $5,000 or more. Your choices, including style and quantity, play a significant role in determining this expense.

  4. Artwork and Accessories: Attention to detail is key. Investing in artwork, decorative items, and accessories adds character and depth to staged spaces. Plan to set aside approximately $200 to $1,000 for these final touches.

  5. Labor and Setup Costs: Bringing your staging vision to life entails labor and setup costs. These charges, ranging from $500 to $2,000, encompass the physical arrangement of furniture, decor, and other staging elements.

  6. Additional Costs: Keep in mind potential ancillary expenses, such as storage fees for your belongings during the staging process or minor cosmetic updates that contribute to your home's overall presentation.

By embracing these various elements, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the typical costs associated with staging your home. The following section will guide you through the process of determining a suitable budget for your staging project. This strategic approach ensures that your investment yields a significant return as your property captivates potential buyers and stands out in the competitive real estate market.

How Much Should You Invest in Home Staging?

As you begin staging your home, a crucial question arises: What's the optimal investment for this transformative process? Striking a balance between boosting your property's allure and handling your budget is key to a successful sale. Let's examine how to tactically approach this decision:

  1. Property Value Percentage: A common guideline for setting your home staging budget is to allocate a certain percentage of your property's value. While this can vary, a ballpark range is 1% to 3% of your home's total value. For instance, if your home is valued at $300,000, consider allocating $3,000 to $9,000 for staging. This ensures that your investment aligns with the potential return on a higher selling price.

  2. Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of your local real estate market. Research recently sold properties in your area that were professionally staged. Compare their selling prices to similar unstaged properties. This exercise can provide insights into the potential impact of staging on your property's final sale price, helping you make an informed budgeting decision.

  3. Room Prioritization: Not all rooms carry equal weight in the staging process. Focus your budget on high-impact areas that play a significant role in a buyer's decision-making. Kitchens, living rooms, and master bedrooms are often focal points. Allocating a larger portion of your budget to these spaces can yield impressive results.

  4. Consult a Professional Stager: Engaging a professional home stager for an initial consultation is a wise investment. They can provide tailored recommendations based on your property's unique features and your target market. Their insights can help you prioritize areas that require attention, guiding you in making effective budget decisions.

  5. Return on Investment (ROI): Consider the potential return on investment when setting your budget. A well-staged home can command a higher selling price and attract more interested buyers. Calculate the potential increase in your home's value that can be attributed to staging. This ROI-focused approach helps you view staging as a strategic investment rather than a mere expense.

  6. DIY vs. Professional Staging: Decide whether to undertake DIY staging or hire a professional. While DIY can be cost-effective, it may not achieve the same impact as a professionally staged property. If you opt for DIY, focus on decluttering, cleaning, and minor improvements that enhance your home's presentation.

In the end, the decision of how much to invest in home staging is a combination of financial consideration, market analysis, and strategic planning. By allocating your budget wisely and prioritizing areas that yield the greatest impact, you position your property to capture the attention of potential buyers, ultimately leading to a faster and more lucrative sale.

DIY vs. Professional Home Staging: Making the Right Choice

As you prepare your home for sale, a pivotal decision arises: DIY staging or hiring a professional? Both choices have advantages and drawbacks. Recognizing the pros and cons of each aid in making an informed decision that suits your goals and resources.

DIY Home Staging:


Cost Savings: DIY staging typically comes with a lower price tag, as you'll avoid professional consultation and staging fees. Personal Touch: You have complete control over the design and arrangement of your space, reflecting your style. Flexibility: You can work on your timeline, making changes and adjustments as needed.


Limited Expertise: DIY staging may lack the design expertise and industry knowledge that professionals bring to the table. Time-Consuming: Staging requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing maintenance, which can be time-intensive. Potential Mistakes: Without professional guidance, there's a higher risk of overlooking key design principles or making staging mistakes that impact your home's appeal.

Professional Home Staging:


Expertise: Professional stagers possess a deep understanding of design principles, market trends, and buyer preferences. Maximum Impact: Stagers know how to highlight your home's strengths and downplay its weaknesses, maximizing its appeal. Time-Efficient: Professionals efficiently transform your property, ensuring it's market-ready in a shorter timeframe. Potential Higher ROI: The investment in professional staging often yields a higher return on your home's final sale price.


Cost: Professional staging involves fees for consultation, staging services, and rental of furniture and decor, which can add up. Limited Personalization: Your personal style may take a back seat to staging choices designed to appeal to a broader audience.

Making the Choice:

Consider the following factors when deciding between DIY and professional home staging:

Budget: Evaluate your budget and how much you're willing to allocate to staging. Remember, professional staging can potentially yield a higher return on investment. Time: Assess your availability and willingness to invest time in staging, as DIY can be a significant time commitment. Design Expertise: Consider your level of design knowledge and whether you can effectively create a cohesive and appealing look on your own. Market Conditions: Research local real estate trends and market demand to gauge the potential impact of staging on your property's sale. Property Value: The higher your property's value, the more beneficial professional staging might be in terms of attracting higher offers.

Ultimately, the decision between DIY and professional staging hinges on your circumstances and priorities. If you choose to go the professional route, enlist the services of an experienced stager who can tailor their approach to your property's unique attributes. Alternatively, if you opt for DIY, focus on decluttering, cleaning, and enhancing curb appeal to create an inviting and appealing environment for potential buyers.

Real-Life Home Staging Case Studies: Lessons in Investment and Impact

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic world of real estate transformation, we'll delve into three real-life case studies. These stories offer a holistic view of the significant impact that strategic home staging can have on a property's marketability, sale price, and overall success, while also highlighting the potential consequences of overlooking this essential step.

Case Study 1: From Clutter to Captivation in Rio Rancho

Property Type: Occupied executive home with stunning views in Rio Rancho. Challenges: Overwhelming clutter, awkward furniture placement, and a mismatched decor style.

Staging Strategy:

  • Declutter and Repair: Over 6-7 days, extensive decluttering and necessary repairs were completed to present a move-in-ready property.

  • Strategic Arrangement: Existing furniture was thoughtfully repositioned to showcase the home's standout features and create an inviting flow.

  • Personalization: The staging process seamlessly integrated modern, appealing decor to resonate with potential buyers.

Staging Costs:

  • Staging Fee: The comprehensive staging package, including decluttering, repairs, furniture arrangement, and guidance, totaled $5,500.

  • Additional Costs: In addition, $2,500 was invested in moving and storage, and $8,000 in repairs and improvements.

Results: This meticulous approach to staging led to a striking transformation. The property, once cluttered and disconnected, now radiated elegance and drew interest from a wide demographic. The sale occurred swiftly, over a single weekend, reaching the asking price of $685,000—a substantial increase from the initial suggested listing of $650,000.

Case Study 2: Flipping Success in Albuquerque's NE Heights

Property Type: Renovated home in Albuquerque's NE Heights neighborhood. Challenges: Time-consuming staging process and vandalism during the remodel.

Staging Strategy:

  • Focused Staging: Specific rooms were targeted to maximize impact, including the primary bedroom, living/dining room, and kitchen. The office was staged as a versatile multi-functional space to attract a younger demographic.

  • Strategic Styling: Fun colors and youthful decor were used to align with the target buyer profile and showcase the property's contemporary updates.

Staging Costs:

  • Staging Fee: With a special flipper discount, the staging fee, including furniture rental, was $2,000.

  • Delivery and Pickup: Delivery and pickup services were provided for $298.

Results: Despite challenges, the well-executed staging played a pivotal role in capturing buyer interest. The property, listed for $370,000, sold on the very first day it was listed, highlighting the effectiveness of targeted and strategic staging. The investment in staging and delivery services yielded a swift and successful sale.

Case Study 3: The Costly Consequences of Staging Oversight

Property Type: Contemporary, newly constructed home on a spacious lot in Albuquerque. Challenges: Property backing onto a busy street, prolonged time on the market, and multiple price reductions.

Staging Opportunity Missed:

  • Initial Decision: In November of 2022, a bid to stage the home for $3,500 (with an additional $500 suggested for window coverings) was declined.

  • Subsequent Developments: The property remained unstaged despite price reductions to $590,000, and eventually, $560,000.

Outcome: After nearly nine months of holding costs, the property finally entered a pending status.

The Takeaway:

These case studies offer a diverse range of experiences that underscore the pivotal role of staging in the real estate landscape. From the resounding success in Rio Rancho and the flipping triumph in Albuquerque's NE Heights to the cautionary tale of staging oversight, the importance of strategic investment in staging cannot be overstated.

As you navigate your own home staging journey, armed with the insights from these stories, remember that staging is more than just decor—it's a calculated decision that can significantly impact your property's appeal, time on the market, and potential sale price. The lessons drawn from these experiences will guide you toward a more informed, strategic, and ultimately successful approach to staging.

Lessons and Insights from Real-Life Home Staging Case Studies

Having examined real-life home staging case studies, let's extract the valuable lessons and insights they provide. Analyzing these examples offers a profound understanding of staging's significant impact on the selling process and the potential repercussions of overlooking this crucial step.

Lesson 1: Staging is an Investment, Not an Expense The case studies underscore that staging is not merely an expenditure but a strategic investment with the potential to yield significant returns. In the Rio Rancho success story, an investment of $16,000 resulted in a sale for $35,000 more than the original suggested listing price. This demonstrates how a well-executed staging strategy can command a higher sale price, making the initial investment a fraction of the ultimate gain.

Lesson 2: Staging Amplifies Property Potential The transformation of cluttered spaces into captivating showcases exemplifies the power of staging to amplify a property's potential. In the Rio Rancho case, careful arrangement and personalization turned an ordinary space into an elegant oasis. Similarly, the flipped property in Albuquerque's NE Heights highlighted how targeted staging can accentuate the property's key features, attracting immediate buyer interest.

Lesson 3: Addressing Property Challenges Through Staging The Albuquerque cautionary tale serves as a stark reminder that staging can address property challenges. A busy street view was a potential deterrent for buyers, but the suggestion of window coverings could have mitigated this concern. Staging could have potentially attracted more interest and led to a more favorable sale outcome.

Lesson 4: Time on Market Matters Both the success stories and the cautionary tale emphasize the importance of minimizing time on the market. Swift sales, as seen in the Rio Rancho and NE Heights examples, not only reduce holding costs but also create a sense of urgency among buyers. Conversely, the property that lingered on the market for months experienced increasing challenges and price reductions.

Staging for Target Buyers

Each case study showcases the value of staging to target specific buyer demographics. From modern updates to capturing a younger demographic in the NE Heights flip to creating a move-in-ready appeal for the executive home in Rio Rancho, staging can tailor a property's presentation to resonate with the intended audience.

Informed Decision-Making

These lessons serve as a guide for informed decision-making in your own home staging endeavors. As you prepare to sell a property, remember that staging is not just about aesthetics—it's a calculated investment that can shape your property's perception, minimize holding costs, and potentially lead to a quicker and more profitable sale.

The takeaway

The case studies and insights presented in this section highlight the tangible benefits of staging and the pitfalls of disregarding its importance. By internalizing these lessons, you're better equipped to navigate the complexities of the real estate market, armed with the knowledge to make strategic decisions that maximize your property's appeal and potential selling success.

In the final section, we'll provide actionable steps and practical advice to ensure that your home staging efforts align with best practices, setting you on a path toward success and optimizing your property's allure for prospective buyers.

Your Path to Staging Success

Having navigated through the complexities of home staging costs, strategies, and real-life case studies, you've gathered a wealth of insights that empower you to confidently embark on your staging journey. Home staging blends creativity, strategy, and investment—an art that transforms properties into captivating spaces, ready to entice potential buyers.

Understanding the factors shaping staging costs, comparing DIY versus professional staging, and drawing inspiration from case studies equip you to make informed decisions aligned with your goals and resources. Staging goes beyond furnishings; it's an investment impacting your property's marketability, sale price, and overall success.

Recall the lessons from each case study—the shift from clutter to elegance, the power of targeted strategies, and the warnings of missed opportunities. Armed with these, you're prepared to navigate real estate's complexities, enhancing your property's appeal, minimizing time on the market, and potentially increasing your return on investment.

As you venture into your staging journey—be it an executive home, a renovated gem, or contemporary construction—you possess the tools for thoughtful, strategic decisions. Embrace these insights and best practices to succeed in showcasing your property's uniqueness, captivating buyers, and paving the way for a successful sale. Happy staging!